Kudos Health provides a number of health and wellbeing services - Workplace Wellbeing Workshops, Health Coaching, Bootcamps in Charlestown and Kahibah areas, Personal Training in Charlestown
> Choose a routine activity in your daily life that you would normally perform on autopilot (For example: cleaning your teeth, driving to work, riding the elevator, washing the dishes etc)
> When you begin to perform the activity, slow everything right down and take a deep breath to bring yourself into the present moment
> Tune in to the EXPERIENCE of performing the activity - bring an awareness to your 5 senses. As you carry out the task notice what you can see, smell, hear, taste and feel.
> Release the often automatic need to overlay a story or judgement about the experience (For example: when driving to work ~ I have such a busy day ahead of me)
For example: When taking a shower tune into the sensations of the warm water hitting your shoulders and running down your back. Notice the moist air as it touches your face. Pay attention to the smell of soap. Feel into the wet shower floor beneath your feet. Notice the steam as it fills the room around you.
I heard a saying many years ago that went something like this - “No man truly EXPERIENCES a shower, as in his head he is already at work”
Sloooooow down.
Tune into what you are actually doing in the moment! This incredibly simple way of BEING can be introduced at any moment of any day, when performing any task.
Get out of your head for a moment and into the raw experience of whatever it is you're doing.